domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

Oh Eddie that's so cute :3

That extremely sweet Eddie :)) <3 (no, I'm joking xD)

Tell me baby- Red Hot Chili Peppers

I'm like this. I listen to music all day long, in every situation.

Regular Person: I listen to music when I drive
Me: I listen to music when I drive too
Me: And while I'm eating
Me: and while I'm reading
Me: while I'm watching TV
Me: while I'm cleaning
Me: when I'm doing homework
Me: when I say 'fuck my homework I'm going to listen to music'
Me: when I'm jogging
Me: in the shower
Me: on the toilet
Me: I listen to music when I'm listening to music
Sunday afternoon. Grey sky. Rain. And Iron Maiden. What else do I need??? (not having to study xD)

jueves, 24 de enero de 2013



Krist face ._. akask
Krist's face is hilarious ahah


Man, how can people survive to so many beauty *.*? These eyes... That colour!! His perfect nose... And his perfect lips... Dude, he's perfect. End of the story.
Seriously, my people, isn't this great???
Gorgeous man. Awesome quote lyric. Stunning song. Outstanding show. All of this, in one GIF.

For me, this is the most important. I can never forget how I really am. I need to stay true to the human being I am. And I guess everyone should do this.
Cute :)

Courtney Love and Frances Bean Cobain

sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

Pearl Jam - Garden (legend PORT + INGLÊS)


Hole - Gutless (Music Video)

Courtney Love <3
Band member: How old are you?
Me: How old do you need me to be?
 xD Found it on Tumblr

So true. "Can't stop" and "Smells like Teen Spirit".
I'm not sure if I ever uploaded this picture, but the fact is that I love it so much. "Money creates the power, power creates corruption, corruption creates rebellion and rebellion creates revolution."



Idolo. Los cagó a rodos.
It's so much more...

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Sometimes I wonder why I am so lazy... I should be studying, but instead of doing it, I'm writing on my blog... Pretty cool.
My amazing dad bought me some amazing stuff :3 4 amazing books with tabs for Nirvana's, Coldplay's and Iron Maiden's songs!!! Isn't that really cool? I mean, it's great!!! It is like a dream... I still can't believe I have the books! Finally, I'll have the oportunity to practice and learn songs without having to concern if they are correct or not (or at least, the ones in the books ahah)