jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

"King Park"- La Dispute

La Dispute once again. I don't know any more songs of them ahah
"King Park" is a story. A touching story narrated in 7 minutes. When the singer screams "Can I still get in heaven if I kill myself?" it's my favourite part of the song. It just aches in my heart. Just... No words.

"Such small hands"- La Dispute

Ok, don't ask me how do you I like La Dispute. I really don't know. But this song is so catchy, really. I heard it once and I spend all day singing "I think I saw you in my dreams darling". I'm not a big fan of his voice, neither the instrumental is something amazing. But there's a hidden beauty on it.
Hello people! It's been like forever since the last time I uploaded something on this blog! Oh Jesus, I'm sorry!
It's been a difficult, national exams, blah blah, but it's finally over yeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
And tomorrow will be my last "stressing" day: prom. Oh shit, this word scares the shit outta me. But never mind.
I'm not having many ideas today, so I guess I'll just share with you some songs and pictures... Yeah, probably this (: