domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Good night for you all. This post will be about the song "Stairway to Heaven", by Led Zeppelin. I love that song in every single way. The guitar is just the most perfect thing I've ever heard (ok, there are also awsome things around there, but I guess you understand what you mean). *stupid thought moment start* I mean, if some day a guy plays this to me, just be sure that I'll melt in that fn' moment. *stupid thought moment over*. But, seriously, the guitar makes me go crazy, just PERFECT. No other word. Every note that guitar plays sounds so amazing. And the solo, Jesus, if you can ever find such a meaningful riff like that, just tell me!. When the drumms start, I think the song owns a different energy, not so calm as before, something more rythmic, if you understand what I mean. The lyrics are also beautiful, but, in summary, the thing that attracts me the most in the whole song is the guitar. Just Perfect <3
This song really makes calm down a lot, and think about everything. I just would love to learn it in guitar, but I guess too difficult for such a basic guitarist like me.
Well, for you to listen to the song, here you have the link:

Enjoy it <3

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