martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Hey people... Well, although today I don't feel well, I thought about doing a small text about the song "Black", by Pearl Jam, maybe it helps me feeling better.
This song is completly about love, since it starts untill the last word. I think that during all the song, we can feel guilt, disappointment, desesperation, but an unconditional love.
 "Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn"- I think that when he says "the air I tasted and breathed" he can possibly refer to their romance, I mean, that "air" was that romantic atmosphere that surrounded them. But it "has taken a turn", it means, it all changed. Their romance was no longer what it was.  All the passion have been lost.
"Oh, and all I taught her was everything/Oh, I know she gave me all that she wore"- He gave her all his love, he trusted on her, he made her feel wanted, and she returned the favor, she trusted on her, for her, he was the most important person, that's why "she gave" him "all that she wore", she gave him her life. But in this verses I can feel a little of a guilt. Like he felt guilty because he couldn't be good enough for her.
"And now my bitter hands/chafe beneath the clouds/of what was everything"- And now he's alone, feels guilty of what he did, he've lost it all. In summary, he's all alone, because she left him.
" All the pictures have been washed in black/tattooed everything..."- All the memories turned black, I mean, all the momories were forgotten, and now it seems like their romance never existed.
A litlle bit after on the song...
"Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin/'round my head, I'm spining,/Oh, I'm spining/how quick the sun can/drop away..."- Now he is confused, a million of thoughts cross his mind, he's lost, he's alone. The guilt he feels because of not being good to the girl/women or whatever he loves is controling him. He's desesperate for forgiveness.
A litlle bit after...
"All the love gone bad/turned my world to black/tattoed all I see/All that I am/ All that I'll be"- I think he's talking about the fact that he always saw love as a good thing, and suddendly, when they broke up, love started being something bad. He was dissapointed because of love, a feeling that so many people talk as a good thing, turned his world upside down, turn all his life black. Completly changed his personality, the way he acts, and his life in general.
" I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be the sun in somebody else's sky, but why, why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine?"- Here, he says that he's sure that there is someone on Earth that deserves her, because she is amazing, and all he wanted, but he's conscious that he lost her, he feels guilty because of it, but he also can't understand why she will choose another man instaed of him.

For the ones that probably love this quote as much as I do <3.

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