lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Ok, this post may confuse some of you, but I feel the need to talk about this. Most of the people don't know, and my friends may not believe in it, and I don't fn' care, but I'm a fn' religious person, too religious maybe (I'm catholic, just so you know).
Some people say that just because you listen to Metal music you're satanic, and that Metal music passes a satanic and anti-religious message, and, sorry about saying this, but people that say that don't understand a fuck about Metal. As far as I know, religion was never against Metal music, at the point to forbide people to listen to it (although sometimes it may not agree with it, but it happens with every music style), and Metal never forbided anyone to be religious. The point is I love Metal, and I'm religious. My religion never stoped from enjoying this music style. And I totally can understand that most of the people that like the same music styles as I do aren't religious, I totally can. I just like to be named as a poser or something like that just because I'm religious. Like it or not, people shouldn't judge religious people that like Metal because of it. Just respect it, God damn it!

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