lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

So, to start, 44 curiosities about Kurt Cobain, the singer and guitarist of Nirvana (R.I.P. Kurt Cobain) But first, just a small small bio:
Kurt Cobain was born February 20th 1967, in Aberdeen, USA, and he's well known for being the best grunger of all the history. He had problems with drugs, and had a diagnosticated depression and bipolar disturbe. He was married to Courtney Love, of Hole, and had togheter one daughter, Frances Bean Cobain. Kurt Cobain pasted away April 5th, just found April 8th. Some say with was suicide, some murder. He pasted away with 27 years old, and now mades part of the glorious 27.
Back to the curiosities:

1. Before Nirvana, Kurt Cobain did a audition to enter in the band Melvins, but he was refused.
2. When he was a teenager, he lived for 8 months in a friend's house, sleeping in a couch.
3. When Nirvana started succeeding, they received a fax of Metallica (in the 90's) saying: " You have hit the mark. Nevermind is the best album of the year. See you soon. Metallica. BTW, Lars (Ulrich) hates you".
4. One of Kurt's biggest loves was movies.
5. Cobain also enjoyed to buy pieces of meat and then go to the wood and shoot them, with different guns.
6. There was a time that Kurt used to throw up before every show.
7. One of the best friends of Kurt Cobain, Carrie Montgomery, once said: "He makes women care and protect him. It is a paradox, because although he is brutally intense and strong, he may seem fragile and delicate, at the same time. "
8. The singer of Nirvana was about to join the Navy, even met with one of the officers in charge of enlistment which discussed the possibility of registering.
9. In one sentence from the diary of Kurt Cobain could read: "I have met many minds capable of storing and translating large amounts of information but lack of talent and wisdom, nor appreciate the passion."
10. Cobain recorded his first songs in December 1982, at her Aunt Mary. It sounded a bass, a guitar and a suitcase banging spoons. The musician called these sessions "organized confusion."
11. The Nirvana frontman began using heroin daily in order to relief his chronic stomach pain. He wrote in his diary: "I have decided that if I feel like a junkie, maybe I can begin to be."
12. There was a time when Cobain said it spent $ 100 a day on heroin.
13. Cobain once wrote in his diary that the Sex Pistols were "a million times more important than The Clash".
14. When they were already famous, Cobain offered himself to play at the opening of Pop Underground Festival in Olympia (Washington, USA), but the coordinators of the event  rejected. Cobain got really hurted about the fact they didn't want him to play there, he saw himself far from the  his most adored music scene.
15. Cobain began to wear boxer shorts after Courtney Love told him he did not like the animal print underwear.
16. When Kurt Cobain was depressed and sad, he used to seat in a corner for more than 45 minutes, without talking.
17. Nirvana leader wrote: "Art is valuable when it can not be appreciated by the majority. As always, only a small percentage can. And that means it's good. "
18. As a child, Kurt Cobain could recite dialogue Encounters of the Third Kind, word by word.

19. Only one hour after his performance on Saturday Night Live and a week after Nevermind reached number 1 on the charts, the leader of Nirvana had an overdose. Courtney Love found him at 7.00 am on the floor. To wake him up, she had to wet his face with water and punch him in the stomach.
20. Three months after the release of Nevermind, on Christmas Eve 1991, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love were still living in a small room inside the apartment of a friend.
21. As a child, Cobain was diagnosticated with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.
22. When asked what he felt to be number one on the list of Billboard magazine, Kurt Cobain said: "It's like being number 16, just that more people will kiss your ass."
23. One of the most valuable possessions to the singer of Nirvana was a copy of Naked Lunch signed by its author, William S. Burroughs.
24. In 1992, Cobain and Courtney revealed that they spent a million dollars in the last 12 months: 80,000 in personal expenses, 380,000 in taxes, 300,000 on a house in Carnation (USA), and the rest on doctors and lawyers. "Not much," explained the singer. "Sure, Axl Rose has spent more this year."
25. After performing Territorial Pissings on Satuday Night Live, Cobain and Nirvana bassist, Krist Novoselic, they kissed with tongue. The television refused to broadcast the images.

26. Before becoming famous, Kurt Cobain worked as a swimming instructor for children in Aberdeen (United States).
27. The singer was once started throwing beer cans filled with stones at the police when he was six.
28. In a letter sent to former drummer of Nirvana, Dave Foster, Cobain wrote, "Naming an album is not nonsense. Everyone can do it, but there is a difference between the credentials and reputation, and self-respect through music. "
29. Courtney Love, after hearing the song In Bloom by Nirvana in 1992 and realize how good he was, said: "At once I felt sorry for Kurt, I immediately realized the nightmare was coming."
30. As a child, Cobain had the drum set of Mickey Mouse.
31. The Nirvana frontman once wrote: "I have been forced to become a solitary rock star. This is not to give interviews, does not appear on the radio, etc.. This decision is due to the legions of self-appointed authorities in the world of music in addition to not being musicians have not brought anything authentic rock and roll, besides being the biggest misogynist in all forms of expression. "
32. The first time I saw on television Cobain was the September 28, 1991 on MTV.
33. The young Cobain came to cut the vagina to an inflatable doll for a costume for Halloween.

34. Cobain once said: "I spent most of my adolescence without being aware of the importance of feminism, although deep down I have always had a highly developed feminine side. For example, I always felt more inclined to spend time with girls, and in my childhood I liked the softer pop music. Then I started smoking marijuana and I became a teenager. "
35. Before starting Smell like teen spirit live on The Word, British television, Cobain said, "Courtney Love, singer of rock band Hole sensational, is the best fucking thing the world".
37. The Pixies favorite song to Kurt Cobain is "Gigantic".
38. Courtney Love once said: "Kurt was pure and incredibly ambitious. He wanted what I had, but because of his education, decided that he didn't want. "
39. When they began, Nirvana Cobain wanted to rehearse five nights a week.
40. When he was in high school, Cobain's father, Donald Cobain, enrolled her son in a wrestling school. By the tournament, Cobain refused to fight and sat on the floor with his arms crossed.
41. As a child, the Nirvana frontman had an imaginary friend named Boddah.
42. Normally Kurt Cobain watched TV late into the night.

43. In a letter to his father, Cobain wrote: "I have never taken sides either by you or my mother because when I was little I despised both."
44. During some time, Kurt Cobain didn't have a house, so he slept in the waiting room of the hospital he was born, the Harbour Community Hospital of Washington (USA).

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