sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

And, well, I have bad news, and good news.

The good one:

I guess it is just good for me, but happiness must be shared ;) Some months ago, I tried to learn "Nothing else Matters" by Metallica, and yeah, I suck as a guitarrist, so it was a total nightmare for me, because I just did the inicial part, like 5 seconds of the intro... I'm really bad, believe me. But today, I remembered to play it again, and guess what, now I know a little bit more, although I haven't worked a lot yet in it. But I'm still proud of myself!!!

The bad one:

As I said before, on monday school will start -.- and I'm in a very important grade now, I have national exams, so I have to work fn' hard, and that means that I'll have less time to come online and less ideas to publish. But I won't forget about you, don't worry :) I just want to warn you, and ask you if you could help me, sending me by email suggestions of things you'd like to see here, I'll do it!! Once again, my email is bcmv.nkc@gmail.com, and feel free to ask whatever you want, I said this a million times, so I hope you believe ahah.

Thank you!! (And, btw, wish me luck
and pray that I can survive school -.- I 
need your support!!)

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