jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

As I said yesterday, today I'll talk about one of my favourite bands, The Agonist.
The Agonist are a canadian metalcore and symphonic death metal band, created in Montreal, Canada, in 2004. On the vocals, they have Alissa White-Glutz, on the guitar Danny Marino and Pascal "Paco" Jobin, as bass player Chris Kells and playing drumms Simon McKay.
In the begginin, The Agonist were called The Tempest, but for juridic issues, Century Media Records asked them to change the name. The first album went out at August 14th 2007. At that time, the members of the band were Alissa, Danny and Chris. Because of the album, they felt that they needed a drummer, and that time they asked Simon to be part of the band.
After the first album went out, bands like Epica and Sonata Arctica asked The Agonist to play with them in many tours.
After that, in 2009, "Lullabies for the Dormant Mind" was done, and they were successful because of the single "Thank you, pain".
This year, "Prisioners" album went out, and it was well talked by the media.
The Agonist are well-known moslty because of Alissa's capacity of doing clean and gutural vocals. Their lyrics talk about the animals rights, society's problems and also our nowadays world.

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