miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Hello, hello!! And I'm back with my lyrical analizes... I know I don't do this often, because it takes much time and I need to feel inspired to do it. Once again, this is my personal opinion, it means that you can find different opinions, or even the artist's opinion can be different from mine.
For today, I've choosen a beautiful song, "Cry for the Moon", by a beautiful symphonic group, Epica! This song was a real challenge for me, because it is so beautiful and deep in every single way. I tried to resume it as much as I could, so you don't get bored because of so many words.
Mainly, this song speaks about the Christian Religion. During the whole song, you can easily notice that the lyrics kinda go against the religion, I mean, it points religion's mistakes.
It says that so many times religion tells us to do something and follow certain rules, and they sometimes do the exact opposite. It is useless to tell people to do one thing, and then do the other, because it takes us away credibility. Or it says that we commit sins, that they also do, and don't judge themselves for that. Just the people around, it talks about the fact that it is easy to judge without looking inside ourselves and trying to understand if we do the same too.
Basically, I think this song warns people that religion also fails, and we have to follow our "common sense" so we can know what's wrong and what's right, we have to have our own ideas, and some of them can match religious aspects, but we have to separate the good from the bad. Because having too much innocence in what comes to religion is not good.
Altought in the beggining it may sound that "Cry for the Moon" is a song against religion, in my opinion, it is a critic. It just wants to show people what's wrong in religion, and should change.

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