domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Hello! I'm sorry I didn't post anything, my week was not easy at all, and my weekend bad as well.
I received an email, and I can't say more because I was asked to keep it private. That email asked me to present myself a little bit better. I'll present myself, I see no problem in it, but I'm sorry, I won't publish pictures of myself. I don't do it because honestly I think it's kinda dangerous, and I'm really ugly, so you don't loose anything ;)
So, my name is Beatriz, I said that many times before. I leave in Braga, Portugal. I'm single, single, single, and really happy single, thank you. Humm... In my free time, I loove to play guitar, write, listen to music, read, watch soccer. My favourite soccer team is SLBenfica, and my favourite player is Oscar Cardozo. I read a lot, some books are not for my age, but my parents don't mind... My favourite book was The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, a really awsome book. I also liked to read The Godfather, by Mario Puzo. I also like a lot books by Mia Couto and Gabriel García Marquez, and I'm reading Love in times of cholera (I think that's the name in english). About music, you can clearly see that I love rock and metal, Grunge is my favourite over all the rest, and Nirvana is totally my favourite group <3 <3 I also like a lot Metallica, Iron Maiden, Hole, RCHP, Pearl Jam, AC/DC, Scorpions, Evanescence, Epica, Middnatsol, Megadeth, Slayer, Black Sabbath, The Agonist, etc etc etc... At the moment, I'm totally addicted to the song "Unreachable" by John Frusciante and "When you came into my life" by Scorpions. My favourite movies... I liked a lot "Los Diaros de Che Guevara" and "The last exorcism", but the best the best "Halloween": Horror, yeah, I love it, and the most amazing is that I laugh a lot while I watch it, I know dumb. About "Saw 2", I saw it, and seriously, I didn't like much, I found it a little disgusting, specially the part that girl fells into the needles' hole. Other things that I like: Egyptian history, guitars, guitar picks, spirit's things, learning new languages (btw, I speak portuguese, english, spanish, a little bit of arabic, french and guarani), and I don't remember anything else. The kind of guys I like: tall, clumsy, that knows what music is, plays an instrument, and that is smart, or at least that knows a lot about many subjects. And finally, how I am phisically: 1.62m, kinda fat, ugly, brown short hair, brown eyes (and they are really ugly), did I say ugly and fat? And, yeah, that's basically it.
Well, if you want to send me an email, for any reason, Thank you :)

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