domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Hey people! Sorry but I couldn't be online yesterday, so I couldn't do that 50 days challenge... Today, I'll post about yesterday, and today:

yesterday (day 2): How/when did you become a fan of them?

Well, to be honest, I don't remember when was the first time I heard RHCP... Because I'm almost sure that I heard them on the radio many times before I become a fan. But I really got into that probably in March 2012, because of a stupid band my school decided to create. I had to learn "Can't Stop" in two days (and I didn't) and I kinda liked the style, and now I'm addicted xb

Today (day 3): Favourite song

Oh yeah, it's a hard question... Probably "Don't Forget me" and "Otherside", although I also love "Venice Queen" and "Road Trippin'".

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