miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

On monday, I have to school again, yey!! (not really, I'm thinking about start taking prozac so I can deal with the fact that I have to have all those stupid people around me). And of course I had to find a way to make my school material more mine, more "Beatriz Vilela", you know? So, and thank you to my bro, I can look be in the classroom and have my biggest love with me. But let me show you some pictures: the first one is my portfolio, with a Metallica's picture, taken from my magazine (poor magazine:'(  ), and the second one is my notebook, I don't really know how you say it in english, with 1 picture of Nirvana, 3 of Kurt Cobain, and 1 of Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam). I'm still thinking what I'll put outside of it.... Now the pictures:

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