lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012


(someone): What quote characterizes you the best?

Personally, I never found one that I could say "Oh, this is me". But I have some that match my vision of life, such as "Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse" and "It's better to burn out than to fade away". There are many quotes that I love.

Krista (EUA): Do you play any instruments?

I do, I play the guitar, and I'm starting my violin and piano's lessons. Well, the violin's ones are more serious, because I have a dated lesson, the piano ones is my mother that's gonna teach me.

Teresa (Chile): What would you like to do in the future (job)?

Bueno... Honestly, I would like to do something related to History, Egyptian History... But as I know I can't, I'll probably try my best to be a psychiatrist or something related to quemistry.

(someone from France): If you had a band, what music style would you play?

It's a good question... I would never have band because I can't sing and I don't play guitar that well ahah Anyway, I would probably prefer to do something like grunge/punk rock, or gothic metal.

Done! If you have any questions you would like to ask me, just write a comment on this post or email me at I answer to all the emails, but I prefer it to be sent in portuguese, english, spanish, french or arabic. The rest of the languages... I'm sorry but it's way more difficult. I normally post all the questions in the blog and say your first name if you don't say anything against on the email. However, if you don't want me to post here your question nor your name, just say it on the email :)

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