miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Hello, hello!! How are you? I hope good!! Well, what do you guys do when you feel down? Me, I listen to Alice in Chains, for example, and I'm listening to it since I woke up, it was around 5.30 am (I didn't need to, but I'm having trouble at sleeping).
I have bad news :( This friday is holiday here in Portugal, but at the weekend, I'm gonna have two birthday parties, one of them is mine (not excited about it, at all), and I have a portuguese test next week and a history work to do, and as usual, lots of homework, so I won't have much free time to publish here, I'll try my best :)
Oh, and just so you know, my birthday is on Sunday ;) no, I'm joking, I hate my birthday and birthday party too, but well, I guess some of the people that will be there (I hope) will make me laugh, they always do.
Btw, today I'm gonna publish a couple things!!
If you need my email for anything: bcmv.nkc@gmail.com
Yes, it is a personal email, not something I created for the blog, so feel free if you need to talk about anything.

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