viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

"Doll Parts" by Hole

Hello, hello (: So, today, during my geography lesson, I had the brilliant idea to "analyse" a song, and I chose "Doll Parts", by Hole.
This song, for me, is one of the most brilliant songs by Hole. The lyrics are truely beautiful. The comparison to a doll is really interesting because the doll is described as broken, useless object. So it seems like the person is fragile, broken, lonely and feels like she has no importante.
"Someday you will ache like I ache"- WOW...
This quote is too powerful. And it proves that the person described in the song has gone through a lot and suffered a lot, and that pain is caused by someone else. And she wishes that person goes through what she went to. When she screams "someday you will ache like I ache", I feel a sharp pain inside of me. I feel her pain, that's why I find this song amazing, it sends a message, it touches on the inside.

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