miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Kurt Cobain's birthday

Hello, hello! You know who's birthday is today??? KURT COBAIN'S!!!!!!!!! February 20th :))
Well, this is going to be a small text dedicated to him:
"On the February 20th 1967, someone very special was born. A man that lead a generation, that inspired so many people, and still do it. That man is Kurt Cobain.
Some may not recognize him, some may not like him. But his talent is undeniable. And the amount of people that admire and worship this man is simply huge, and that only show how great he was.
And, Kurt, this goes to you up there:
Thanks for the songs and the lyrics, for the thoughs and the quotes, for the shows and the concerts, for the jokes, for the smiles, for the tears. You can never imagine how much you help me. Because I know that, one day, everyone will leave and already left so many people, but you'll always stay with me. And the support your lyrics and quotes and your own person in general give to me is just huge and it's a priceless help. It doesn't  matter how many years have gone, you'll never be forgotten. You may have left soon, but the good hearts always do. You'll always be remembered by your family, friends and fans, that have a huge respect and endless affetion for you. I hope someday I'll be able to meet you on the otherside."

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