lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

"Otherside"- Red Hot Chili Peppers

I totally love this live show of "Otherside". I mean, I just love it. The solo and John back vocals, despite the fact that both are critized, in my opinion, are totally great. Because John is fn' great :D

Krist Novoselic

Thanks Kurt for showing me music is much more than just notes. Thanks for showing me that music can save lifes. RIP Kurt Cobain <3

Verdade ;)

"Can't Stop"- Red Hot Chili Peppers

I just love this. "Can't stop" is a damn brilliant song by Red Hot Chili Peppers. The guitar and the bass are totally amazing, and I find the lyrics really funny, but it happens a lot with RHCP lyrics. This live version at the Slane Castle is damn good.


Can't stop addicted to the shin dig
Chop top, he says I'm gonna win big
Choose not a life of imitation
Distant cousin to the reservation
Defunkt, the pistol that you pay for
This punk, the feeling that you stay for
In time, I want to be your best friend
Eastside love is living on the West End
Knock out, but boy you better come to
Don't die, you know the truth is some do
Go write your message on the pavement
Burnin' so bright, I wonder what the wave meant
White heat is screaming in the jungle
Complete the motion if you stumble
Go ask the dust for any answers
Come back strong with 50 belly dancers

The world I love
The tears I drop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Ever wonder if it's all for you
The world I love
The trains I hop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Come and tell me when it's time to

Sweetheart is bleeding in the snowcone
So smart, she's leading me to ozone
Music, the great communicator
Use two sticks to make it in the nature
I'll get you into penetration
The gender of a generation
The birth of every other nation
Worth your weight the gold of meditation
This chapter's going to be a close one
Smoke rings, I know you're going to blow one
All on a spaceship persevering
Use my hands for everything but steering
Can't stop, the spirits when they need you
Mop tops are happy when they feed you
J. Butterfly is in the treetop
Birds that blow the meaning into bebop
The world I love
The tears I drop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Ever wonder if it's all for you
The world I love
The trains I hop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Come and tell me when it's time to

Wait a minute I'm passing out
Win or lose, just like you
Far more shocking
Than anything I ever knew
How 'bout you?
10 more reasons
Why I need somebody new, just like you
Far more shocking
Than anything I ever knew
Right on cue

Can't stop, addicted to the shin dig
Chop top, he says I'm gonna win big
Choose not a life of imitation
Distant cousin to the reservation
Defunkt, the pistol that you pay for
This punk, the feeling that you stay for
In time, I want to be your best friend
Eastside love is living on the West End
Knock out, but boy you better come to
Don't die you know the truth is some do
Go write your message on the pavement
Burnin' so bright, I wonder what the wave meant

Kick start the golden generator
Sweet talk, but don't intimidate her
Can't stop the gods from engineering
Feel no need for any interfering
Your image in the dictionary
This life is more than ordinary
Can I get 2 maybe even 3 of these
Come from space
To teach you of the pleiades
Can't stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through
(This lyrics are from the original version, on the video they are a little bit different ...)

And now two gifs of this song:

Yesterday, I was at Tumblr and saw this. And, man, I laughed so much. xD
Hello, good morning!!
Some Pink Floyd to start the day (:

"Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd (taken from Tumblr)

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013


I was asked to answer to some questions, so here we go:

Q: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
A: My best friend, Hope, that lives in Germany. If someone I never talked with, Eddie Vedder.

Q: What's your strangest talent?
A: Do I have talent?? Lol, well, I don't know...

Q: When was it the last time you played air guitar?
A: Right now, because I'm listening to "Fear of the Dark" by Iron Maiden xD But I do it pretty often. Ok, let's be honest, with every fn' song I listen to.

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?
A: EDDIE FN' VEDDER!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I love him so much (this is weird)

Q: Do you have a collection of anything?
A: Guitar picks.

Q: What is the last song you listened to?
A: "Hey you" by Pink Floyd.

Q: If the entire world was listening to you right now what would you say?
A: Stay strong and believe in yourself, no matter what.

This happens a lot in fact... I don't know, Red Hot Chili Peppers have a happiness and joy effect on me!




niandra collides with the empyrean on We Heart It -

The greatest gif I've ever seen :3


Mitch Lucker

Man, I miss him... RIP Mitch Lucker <3








when you see the lucker stomp
you reblog the lucker stomp

and you forever reblog the lucker stomp

instant reblog the lucker stomp

Never listened to suicide silence but I respect the stomp.


No matter what kind of blog you are!!









Austin Robert Carlile, AKA my saviour. &lt;3

Her cuts :c

I never reblog him or his band but this touches my heart.

:’c this man is perfect. 


People always say I’m stupid when I tell them Austin is my hero. This is one of the many reasons. So beautiful &lt;3

to all you fuckers who say Austin’s a bad person here’s proof he’s not
If you don't know, in the picture you have Austin Carlile, Of Mice and Men vocalist, hugging a girl. I wanted to share this picture with you, even though most of you won't understand why, bearing in mind I'm not a Of Mice and Men fan.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

"Wish you were here"- Pink Floyd

This song is amazing, and it always makes me tear up a little bit ahah

"So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? 
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground. 
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here."

When it is the "How I wish, how I wish you were here", something inside of me aches... And it's not connected with love and crushes and those things, it really remimdes me of a friend I lost two years. I miss her, and I wish she was here...

Some Eddie Vedder to light up your day!!!

Hey guys!! Who wants some Eddie Vedder pictures to start the day?? Everyone!!!! (probably not everyone, but who cares?!?)


Before you say I am lieking this man only for his looks, let me explain u a thing:




Perfect picture for my 200th post.


Sweaty and Beautiful.

(Pictures taken from Tumblr)