domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

"Everlong"- Foo Fighters

Good afternoon. I can't post much, but I just leave this amazing acoustic version of "Everlong" by Foo Fighters. I'm not a big fan of Foo Fighters, but I'm slowly trying to get into them...
Enjoy (:

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Shit. If you could imagine how much I hate this kind of pictures... It's like, meh meh meh

Nirvana - Seasons in the Sun

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun" (:
I don't know why, but this always makes me smile...

Nirvana - Seasons in the Sun

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun" (:
I don't know why, but this always makes me smile...

"Don't forget me"- Red Hot Chili Peppers

I guess I already shared this video like a million times, but god damn it, this performance just kills me...
Seriously, Eddie Vedder gifs kill me *-*


stop eddie

"Yellow ledbetter"- Pearl Jam

Hello! I'm so so sorry I didn't update much this last month (I guess), but it's been really difficult to have time for it, because I had some personal issues...
(pronto, está melhor João???)

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013


Hey (: Today I got an email with this questions:

Q: Full name.
A: Humm... Beatriz Catarina Martins Vilela

Q: 3 fears:
A: Height, ants and... anything else xD

Q: 3 things I love:
A: Music, Guitars and Nirvana <3

Q: Last song I listened to:
A: "Heaven" by John Frusciante (:

Q: Something I really, really want:
A: Hmmm... A Gibson Flying V hehe ;))

Q: My current relationship status:
A: Forever alone xD

Q: 3 things that upset me:
A: When people tell me "stay calm", "it's just a phase" and "don't overreact"

Q: 3 Things that make me happy:
A: Playing guitar, staying at home and new cds (:

Q: Someone I miss:
A: Laura :(

Q: Relationship with my parents:
A: It's good (: I'm not a rebellious teen type so xD

Q: My favourite holiday:
A: EGYPT!!! <3 <3 <3

Q: A confession:
A: Ok... I always cry at night.

Q: One thing I've lied about:
A: How I feel.

Q: Something that's on my mind:
A: MUSIC *.*

Q: My celebrity crush:
A: Eddie Vedder <3 <3

Q: Do I smoke or drink?
A: Nope, nope, although one day I'll smoke hehe

Q: Picture of myself:
A: Well, I'm asked a lot to post a picture of myself, and, personally, I don't feel comfortable with that. Not because it's on the internet, it's because I hate my face :o