domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Good night! So, my first post will be about the song "Solitude", by Evanescence. Humm, well, don't ask me why did I choose these one, because I don't know. I just turned on the computer and thought "My first post will be about "Solitude"".
Just for you to see the song, here you have the link: (also the lyrics)

At the beggining of the song, looking to the lyrics, it seems that it's another love song, but while you go forward, you can easily see that it's not all about love, although there's always a connection. Amy sings about solitude, about the fact people get so isolated. But starting from the beggining, she says "How many times have you told me you love her?", obviously talking about a love confession. "How long have I stood here, beside you? I live through you, you look trough me", here it refers to the fact that she's always next to him, supporting him, she needs him to live, and he simply ignores that fact. And then, the chorus: "Oh, solitude, still with me, is only you (...)", clearly talking about loneliness, I also think she refers to the solitude of loving someone, and not being corresponded, the fact that you feel ignored, alone, desplaced."Everyone leaves me stranted, forgotten, abandoned, left behind", I think that in these parts, she puts so much emotion... Just touches in the loneliness subject. And to finish, in that part where drumms come, I feel like she is "screaming" at him, telling him what she really feels...
I don't want to say much more, just that I think this songs works really well, because it's not only a love song, it has a huge quantity of other feelings. Just love it!!

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