miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Hello :) I received an email asking me if I was punk or goth, or a scene girl, in what comes to clothing. The mail was sent from France, don't know the name, because the person didn't tell me. So, no, I'm not a scene girl, I don't wear like emo, punk, goth, etc. I wear like a totally normal girl. In some way, I would say that it's a simple girly, I wear all those girly colours, but no make-up, no accessories. I dress myself like that for many reasons, first because I hate, hate, HATE, hate fashion, in every single way. I just hate it. The other reason is because my mum doesn't allow me to dress like a scene girl, and also because in my city, it is too expensive. But I guess the main reason is because if I was a scene girl, people would look at me and judge me, and, honestly, I just prefer not to get attention.

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