miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Two things that I'd love you to do:

- visit this blog, www.dyinghole.blogspot.com, it belongs to a girl, she does covers, I think she's really talented, it would be really cool if you could check out the blog, because there you also have the links of her videos. I recomend you to see it ;)

- on the october 1st, it would be really awsome if you could write "keep fighting" on your wrist, to support people who suffer self-harm, or if you do it, to know you're not alone, and this is a confession, I suffer from it, and if you do, just remember you're not alone, and if you need to talk, I'm here, I seriosly am. You can contact me via email (my email: bcmv.nkc@gmail.com), and later, I can give you my facebook. I know I ask you a lot to do these things, but think, it's important to show your support. Either suicide and self-harm are serious problems, that should be solved, and that sometimes starts with showing those people they are not alone. So I ask you, beg you, to do this. It would mean a world to me.

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