viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Hi!!!!! Oh my sweet Jesus, I'm so fn' happy!!! I'm gonna show you my new boyfriend!!

Yes, my new boyfriend is a guitar (lol)... No, I'm not mentally ill, but look at this, it's a FENDER JAGUAR, JUST LIKE KURT COBAIN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the fuck do expect me to be??????? My God, this is like, so awesome... I mean, I never thought I would get such a beautiful and perfect thing <3 The sound is so great... I'm totally speechless... Now, I feel like I can improve a lot on guitar... I just want to play all night long... But I have to study, and can't make noise... However, I'll play it tonight ahah... 

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Visit it :)) Really cool!

Nirvana - On a Plain

"Love myself better than you, I know it's wrong, but what should I do??" <3
Hello beautiful people!!
A small detail: just see the picture!! Even if you don't suffer from this, if you see someone with a ribbon, hug them c: I know it would mean a world to them <3

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Today I was in Tumblr (my addiction ahah) and I found this sort of quote that I totally love and agree with: "In a strange way, I had fallen in love with my depression". It's weird, because it seems like I just got used to this feeling and it just feels comfortable to me to see world in this way. I mean, "depression" changes everything. It's comfortable in an odd way.
Hello :) Happy birthday Jimi Hendrix :)

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Kashmir - Led Zeppelin

Epic song ;) Epic Led Zeppelin. Simply great.

"Clementine" Luisa Sobral

Not the music style of the blog, but I really enjoy this song :) It's by a portuguese singer, Luísa Sobral. It's a really peaceful song, and sad too. Fits my death mood.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

My tumblr ;) Follow it, and I always follow back
Lyrics of "Shadow fed to Tyrants" by Landmine marathon (I listened to this song endlessely, so I could understand the words, so here you have what I listen):

The young are immortal, the old are all wise,
youth allways lost on these.
bastards plaguing land and sea-tapping 
endlessly better unborn than
servitude backs on our ???? 
I hope to outlive beauty and grace
left with only human waste
discussing matters of our place cloaks
and robes set ???
Praying to stand degrading a heartland dollhouse
Castles line your eyes lost in our minds.
Plastering each and every finger inside
and out building the stage for hollow plays .
Forgiving ourselves in one great epilogue 
this is pathetic dialogue .
Swimming in phases 
waiting for placement reciting directions
to a bleeding heartland,
where maks are skin sewn shadows fed to tyrants
the noise of drums beats down our existente to nothing.
These bastards are forced to grin 
and bear it we all are cursed 
with ease this pathetic.
Dialogue has turned into epilogue 
I apologise for nothing.

I think it's more or less this, but any problem/correction, email me at or post a comment.

ARCH ENEMY - Yesterday Is Dead And Gone (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Lovely group :3

Landmine Marathon - "Shadows Fed to Tyrants" Prosthetic Records

Hello c: This shit is amazing... I wanna sing like this xD I still have a lot to practice ahah Enjoy <3

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Bleed from my pipe

Revenge on treacherous ganga

I will smoke

breaking my buds

sticky fingers my catharsis

I will toke

Into the lungs

bong injects smoke


The one that they got high

He will always stay fried

Plagued by the buds

I will smoke you

filled in my lungs

Smoke at my face

The grisly resins went un-scraped

Until now

Deep in the hole

You are out of weed

But stoned

Choke on your smoke

Your brain the smoke cuts off

Then your legs

The one that you got high

Will smoke you this way

Scarred by the buds

I will smoke you

Killed by my lungs

I must smoke you

Into the throat

The smoke injects

Warm cloud sprays out

The aroma entices

Pull out your lighter

And let you watch

Shove the bong to your mouth

And light the batch

I watch you get stoned

I am released

From years of pain

You weed averted

My becoming insane

I am stoned

I have smoked you

I will smoke you- Cannabis Corpse
So, today I remembered to look for some sentences said Kirk Hammett, and I found two interesting ones... They match me a lot ahah

"I'm death obsessed. You know, I have death all over my house. I have a stuffed two headed sheep!"- Lol, Kirk, I know what you mean... People don't seem to understand what death is to me. It's comfortable... It's peaceful... It's... Death...

"My guitars are my umbilical cord. They're directly wired into my head."- Soooo true.

Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction

"Symphony of Destruction"- Megadeth... Too great.

Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face

Amazing... The one of the best of Death Metal... /,,/

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

The End - Pearl Jam

Hello beautiful people :D Not happy, but who cares? Pretending you're happy is the best damn thing ahah Btw, listen to this, it's totally gorgeus, it seems like he cries while he sings... And that is a gift... Truely gorgeus, outstanding, overwhelming. I love it <3

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

And hello, I'm back :) I should be doing my homework, but whatever. I told you that I would talk about my favourite song, and I'm having some trouble in choosing just one... So, I need to think a little more... Meanwhile, I got one email answering to my question:

Joan (USA), says that her favourite song is "Creep" by Radiohead, because she feels every day like that, and also because Radiohead are her favourite band.

It's a really good song, I also match a lot the lyrics, me and a great friend of mine ahah :))
Btw, Joan, thanks for sending the email :)

About my favourite song... I'll think about it while I do my homework ahah ;)
Happy birthday Kirk Hammett <3 <3 !!!!

Seriously, if you don't know who Kirk Hammett is, you're wasting your life xD No one's life is complete without being conscious that everytime you hear the most popular songs by Metallica you listen to this amazing guitarist :3

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

And well, I guess for today, I don't have anything else xD I'm really tired, so I'll just try to sleep, because normally it doesn't happen.
Well, anything you need, my email is - as I said before, it's a personal email, you can email me about my blog, questions about myself, or even if you need to talk to someone. I'm always open for everything, always for my lovely viewers ;)
So, just to finish it all, I wanna ask you to reflect about your favourite song and see how much it represents you. If you want, you can answer to this question by emailing me. If I have time, tomorrow I'll talk about my favourite song and how much it tells my story.

See you /,,/
Today I was surfing through Tumblr and I found a picture with 6 really interesting quotes from some women guitarrists, and I decided to share them here, because I find them brilliant.

"They say women can't play guitar as well as men. I don't play guitar with my fn' vagina, so what difference does it make?"- Brody Dalle.

"I think more girls should pick up guitar... It's a good form of self-expression. It makes you feel better. It gets your anger out."- Kat Bjelland.

"I trust my guitar and I don't care about anything."- Patti Smith.

"My guitar is not a thing. It's an extension of myself. It is who I am"- Joan Jett.

"Put your pussy to the wood! Fuck your guitar!"- Joan Jett.

"I want every girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming."- Courtney Love.

I guess what people don't understand is the love I feel about playing guitar. I'm not the most brilliant player, I know it, but I couldn't survive without playing guitar, and people don't seem to understand it. When I say that I feel sad because I didn't play guitar the day before, they stare at me like "Seriously? -.-", because they just don't get how much it changes my mood. I can be barely dying, depressed and broken, and playing guitar just deletes my problems while I play, it seems like it is just me and my guitar. That, for me, is not obsession, it's passion, it's loving what you do, and feeling like it is a gift. I have self-esteem issues, and it's really hard for me to say "you might be good at this", but when it comes to my guitar, I know that, having in consideration the love and devotion I feel about guitar, I can improve my guitar skills. And, honestly, I don't want to get famous because of my guitar playing, I don't want fame. In my opinion, if I develop my guitar playing, I'll probably feel better about myself. And all I want is to come away from this dark hole I'm living in. And I know my guitar can do it.
Hi, how are you guys? I hope fine ;) what about me, you ask (probably you don't, but whatever ahah)? You know those times when the only thing you want is to disappear, move to a place you don't know anything or anyone? I just want to go to a plain and land in Egypt... Oh, Egypt my love <3... Well, despite all these lament thing here, a good new for grungers/nirvana's fans/whatever:

Brett Morgan is going to lead a project that consistes in doing a documentary about Kurt Cobain's life, as if he was the one telling us the story. It will be out in 2014. I can't wait for it!!

Se alguém quiser ler, eu vi neste site

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

According to Rolling Stone magazine, these are the best Grunge albums:

10- Mudhoney- "Superfuzz Bigmuff"
9- Temple of the Dog- "Temple of the Dog"
8- Pearl Jam- "Vs."
7- Nirvana- "Bleach"
6- Soundgarden- "Badmotorfinger"
5- Soundgarden- "Superunknown"
4- Nirvana- "In Utero"
3- Alice in Chains- "Dirt"
2- Nirvana- "Nevermind"
1- Pearl Jam- "Ten"

Ohhh I'm so proud of Nirvana :3 3 albums people, 3!! <3 <3

Pearl Jam - Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991-2003) Disc 2 (2004) (Full...

Hello :) Well, I have geo test tomorrow, so wish me good good good luck!! This album has great songs, so if you have the time I recomend you to listen to it (I haven't done it already, I hope I can do it this weekend).

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

You know, there's something that really annoys me... I get judged all the time for the music I listen to, and I'm constatly hearing "That band sucks, you just listen to noise", You know what? Just leave me alone... I listen to the fn' music I want, and it's not your business .|. For me, noise is the shit you listen to, so, just shut the fuck up and never talk again.

Hi, how are you? I hope fine :) Well, although I should be studying, I'd rather publish some things here on the blog so let's go :)

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Alice In Chains - Would?

So powerful.
Good night! I told you in my latest post about my passion of writing on the wrists, and I decided to show you some pictures ;)) Well, they don't look that awsome, specially the most recent one, because I did it by myself and I suck at this things ahah
(the most recent one and done by me ahah you also can see my small "accident" :( )

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

I'm gonna confess, I have a passion about writing on the wrists... I don't know why, but it helps me to express myself... I have the anarchy symbol drawn in my right wrist, and tomorrow I'll ask someone in school to write one of these sentences:
"What do you think when your head's full?" (Unreachable, John Frusciante)
"Why to be here you've first got to die?" (The Past Recedes, John Frusciante)
" This business of how long we try to stay alive..."(The Past Recedes, John Frusciante)
" I will speak no more of my feelings beneath..."(Down in a Hole, Alice in Chains)

When I have it written, I'll post a picture ;)

John Frusciante - Song to Sing when i'm lonely - Legendado

Very good song... I've been asked if I like that much his voice, tbh, it looks so fn' gorgeus, it's different, it's dirty, it's so great... I loove it, weird at the beggining, but then you begin to see the beauty in John's voice.

John Frusciante - The Past Recedes

This dude is so great... I can't get tired of listen to him... So much talent in one person ahah... This song is my next song to learn how to play, although I don't think I can do the solo hehe... At the moment, I'm learning "Californication" by RHCP, by myself, it's not that difficult, I divided the solo in five parts, there are three missing... Well, if someday I can play "Californication" well I'll post a video on the blog ;)

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Pearl Jam - Even Flow

A beautiful song... Just enjoy it! See you tomorrow :)
Oh, and btw, thank you so much for the 500 views!!!! Next gold to achieve: 1000 :)
Hello hello!!! I'm so fn' happy ahahah Oh yeah, Oscar Cardozo is the best, if you don't like it, fuck off kkk My Oscar Cardozo (oh yeah, he's mine) did the best game I ever saw with him... Genius... I love you Oscar Cardozo <3 I know this is not about music, but I couldn't avoid showing how proud and happy I am for my Oscar Cardozo <3 <3

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Alice In Chains Down In A Hole Unplugged HD Video Lyrics in Closed Captions

A brilliant song... MTV Unpluggeds are always such glorious performances... I just love to see the soft side of the grungers ahah that's why Hole's, Nirvana's, Pearl Jam's and Alice in Chains' unplugged always make me sad... But a good sadness ahah
Hey guys!! Three views more, and we reach the 500 views!! It's huge :) Thank you so much!

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Ok, I listened to both tracks... They sound pretty nice, I actually enjoy it. It sounds a little more commercial, but I guess all the "I'm with you" album is a little more, but artists grow, and members changed, so their music change, and RHCP are still amazing :)
Red Hot Chili Peppers: the new b-sides went out today!!!
Here's the link:
I still didn't listen to it, when I do, I'll tell you my opinion :)
Hey guys... I still can't believe Mitch is gone :c

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Man, I'm so sad right now :c Mitch Lucker, Suicide Silence's singer, died today, due a moto accident :c Life is short... He was 28, so young... Well, I guess all the talented people must die young :c

Arch Enemy - We Will Rise + Fields Of Desolation / Outro (Tyrants Of The...

This video is really great... As the band xD
Red Hot Chili Peppers announced that they're gonna send to public on the November 2nd two new b-sides: "The Sunset sleeps" and "Hometown gypsy". I can't wait for it!!

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Tell Me Baby [Official Music Video]

Interesting video at the beggining xD Really cool song, btw.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow ( Hey oh ) ( Lyrics in Description )

So great :))

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Soul To Squeeze [Official Music Video]

An awsome song to celebrate this awsome birthday ahah
Happy birthday Anthony Kiedis!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3