domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

This blog:


Oh, Eddie... Seriously, I need to find a guy like you o.o

An ABC with some of my favourite songs... They are going to be missing so many... Let's see...

A- "Alive", by Pearl Jam;
B- "Broken" by Seether featuring Amy Lee;
C- "Can't Stop" by Red Hot Chili Peppers;
D- "Dream of Mirrors" by Iron Maiden;
E- "Endless, nameless" by Nirvana;
F- "Fear of the Dark" by Iron Maiden;
G- "God save the Queen" by Sex Pistols;
H- "Holier than Thou" by Metallica;
I-  "In Bloom" by Nirvana;
J- "Just Breathe" by Pearl Jam;
K- "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin;
L- "Lounge act" by Nirvana;
M- "My immortal" by Evanescence;
N- "Negative Creep" by Nirvana;
O- "Otherside" by Red Hot Chili Peppers;
P- "Porch" by Pearl Jam;
Q- Not found.
R- "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden;
S- "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana;
T- "Teenage whore" by Hole;
U- "Unreachable" by John Frusciante;
V- "Vaporized" by Cannabis Corpse;
W- "Would?" by Alice in Chains;
X- Not found.
Y- "You only live once" by Suicide Silence;
Z- "Zombie" by The Pretty Reckless.

Luckily for me...

Yeah, you're loosing something really good...

Happy birthday Patti Smith!

Thank you so much guys!! We just reached the 1000 views!!!!
My beautiful people, if you like Punk Rock, I highly recommend Exploited... Too cool to be true...

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

The evolution of music until the 90's. The picture of 2000 forward, sorry guys, but I can't call it music.

Some months ago someone asked me to talk about Red Hot Chili Peppers new album (btw, it's I'm with you), don't ask me who because I don't remember, but at that time I hadn't listened to the entire album so I didn't want to talk about something I didn't know. However, today, as I bought it, I listened to it, and, of course, I have an opinion about it (I always do, btw).
The album, in general, to me, sounds good, but a little too mainstream, sometimes it remembers me about pop music (?)... There are songs that I like, such as "Monarchy of Roses", "Look Around" and "The adventures of Rain Dance Maggie", mostly because I find them amusing songs (well, I don't know if it's a good adjective, but never mind). But I think the album, seen as an whole, is pretty good. A different style from Californication, for example, but it's totally understandable, having in consideration that the guitarist has changed, and also the fact that artists and bands change and evolute. Even though I prefer when they were with Frusciante, because I'm a really big fan of him, I have to admit that Josh is an amazing guitarist, with a great future.
So, in summary, I like the album, but not my favourite. I recommend you to buy it, but first you should listen to it online, because I heard some cases of people that regret buying it. 
I love this song <3 ("Wonderwall" by Oasis)
Hey there!! So, let me show you guys what I bought today with some money I receive at Christmas:

fotografia 2.JPGfotografia 3.JPGfotografia 4.JPG 
1. Live after Death- Iron Maiden
2. Dream of Mirrors- Iron Maiden
3. I'm with you- Red Hot Chili Peppers

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012


If you don't like the same music as me, then you have no chance with me...
Ok, of course, I'm joking :) But if you like the same music style as me, probably it'll be a little easier, because all I talk about is music and guitars....

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012


Hello :) I hope you had a great Christmas!! I had an amazing christmas and amazing presents as well :3

1- My Iron Maiden tickes (yey!!!! I'm going to Iron Maiden bitches :b ) ( E sim, eu fico sentadinha hehe Vou com o meu pai porque, pronto, tadinha, sou pequenina, e não posso ir para Lisboa a nadar ahah)

2- Nirvana- the true story (I also received this amazing book)

3- a distortion pedal :3 (I don't know if the name is correct in english... Em português é o chamado pedal de distorção)

4- Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd.............. Drums!!!!!!! Of course I have to share them with my brother, but man, I finally have my drums!!! (the picture doesn't have much quality, although I took it with an iphone, but it was dark and a fn' mess in the living room and I just wanted to take the picture hehe)

domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

 The new magazine I bought :3 É uma revista dedicada à guitarra, eu já estive a dar uma olhadela e vai dar jeito ahah eu paguei €5 e tal por ela, é um bocadinho mais cara do que a LOUD!, mas na minha opinião para quem gostar mesmo de guitarra e quiser muito melhorar, é uma compra fantástica!
Happy birthday Dave Murray!!! <3 <3

Happy birthday Eddie!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world. I admire you because of your strength. Thank you for all the songs, all the lyrics, all the stories you shared with us. Thanks for the tears, the smiles your (and Pearl Jam’s) songs gave us. Thanks for sharing your talent, your experience and your thoughts with the world. Thanks for creating the music that inspired me in so many ways, that "supported me" when I needed the most. I admire you. <3 <3

Happy birthday Eddie!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world. I admire you because of your strength. Thank you for all the songs, all the lyrics, all the stories you shared with us. Thanks for the tears, the smiles your (and Pearl Jam&#8217;s) songs gave us. Thanks for sharing your talent, your experience and your thoughts with the world.   
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!! <3 <3

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

"How Deep Is Your Love"- John Frusciante (cover)

I love this cover... Like I love all the work John does :) I mean, his a great musician... I personally didn't like the song, but Frusciante's version is addictive ahaha

"October"- Evanescence (lyrics)

A really beautiful song... <3 <3
It is not related to music at all, but I love the "psycho" barbie...!

Isn't this picture gourgeus? I mean, Jesus, no one can stare at this picture without thinking "Wow, amazing *.*", because this is amazing indeed...

"God creates them, and the talent joins them" <3

Wouldn't it be great to work in a store like this?? Besides the fact of having guitars everywhere *.*
Good morning guys :) At the moment, this blog has 904 views, it would be really cool if we could reach the 1000 views until the end of the year... Well, if you like the blog please check it out when you can, I'll try to publish different things... And please spread it, ask your friends to check it out, share it on your facebook/twitter/tumblr/etc... It would mean a world to me... Thanks :*

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Song to the Siren- lyrics

Long afloat on shipless oceans
I did all my best to smile (<3)
'Till your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle.

And you sang sail to me, sail to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, here I am,
Waiting to hold you.

Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you hare when I was fox?
Now my foolish boat is leaning,
Broken lovelorn on your rocks.

For you sing, touch me not,
Touch me not, come back tomorrow,
Oh my heart, oh my heart,
Shies from the sorrow.

I am as puzzled as newborn child,
I am as troubled as the tide,
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Or should I lie with death, my bride?

Hear me sing, swim to me,
Swin to me, let me enfold you,
Here I am, here I am,
Waiting to hold you.

John Frusciante - Song To The Siren

This song is great, although the original version is by Tim Buckley, John covered it amazingly. It's so soft and peaceful... One of my favourite covers by Frusciante. 

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

"O dinheiro gera poder, o poder gera corrupção, a corrupção gera rebeldia, e a rebeldia revolução." <3 <3
I got an email from Jeremiah (I don't know where he's from), asking me who are my biggest male inspirations...
Nice question ahah... Kurt Cobain, Anthony Kiedis, Eddie Vedder, John Frusciante and Kirk Hammett, are the biggest ones, for sure. They inspire me in different things, and in different ways. The one that inspires me the most is, for sure, Kurt Cobain, but I guess everyone allready knows that ahah :)
I don't know if I ever showed you my violin, if I haven't, here it is:
Here you have a picture of my 3 loves :))