martes, 31 de julio de 2012

I would like to ask you a favour. This blog ( ) is from a very talented girl, she sings amazingly well, she has a youtube channel and all that stuff, you can see it all in her blog, please check it out. Thanks <3
Para os portugueses e brasileiros, e outras pessoas que falem português, no meu canal do youtube (link na publicação abaixo) faço tensões de começar a traduzir algumas músicas que não se encontrem traduzidas no youtube. Para já, ainda só fiz o vídeo de tradução da música "Doll Parts" dos Hole, e agradecia que dessem uma olhadela no vídeo, e se tiverem canal do youtube, comentem, e classifiquem, e se quiserem, podem subscrever o meu canal, retribuo sempre as subscrições.

Obrigada :))
Hey guys. If you have youtube channel, it would  be cool if you could subscribe me, and I also would subscribe you back, so here you have the link (the channel). Thanks <3
Good morning! Well, yesterday I've heard that Lana del Rey did a Nirvana cover, so I wanted to check out if it was true, and it really is. She sang "Heart Shaped Box", in a show in Australia. Here you have the link to check it out:
My opinion... Well, I like Lana's voice, and her cover wasn't bad at all, it was a little more subtle than the original, and, for me, it just lost the "grungy" part of the song. However, I think the song fits her, and the cover in general is good, but not genious. I still think Lana is very talented and has a very nice voice, but I didn't fall in love with her cover.

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

That chill you feel whenever you listen to a good guitar solo (happens in "Stairway to Heaven" hehe)
The first picture (Nirvana's <3), the first shirt my kid will have (although I don't think about having it, but in case I have), after Benfica's shirt ;) (yeah, soccer, I looove soccer, and Benfica!!! <3)
About Metal music <3:



picture taken from:
Good night for you all. This post will be about the song "Stairway to Heaven", by Led Zeppelin. I love that song in every single way. The guitar is just the most perfect thing I've ever heard (ok, there are also awsome things around there, but I guess you understand what you mean). *stupid thought moment start* I mean, if some day a guy plays this to me, just be sure that I'll melt in that fn' moment. *stupid thought moment over*. But, seriously, the guitar makes me go crazy, just PERFECT. No other word. Every note that guitar plays sounds so amazing. And the solo, Jesus, if you can ever find such a meaningful riff like that, just tell me!. When the drumms start, I think the song owns a different energy, not so calm as before, something more rythmic, if you understand what I mean. The lyrics are also beautiful, but, in summary, the thing that attracts me the most in the whole song is the guitar. Just Perfect <3
This song really makes calm down a lot, and think about everything. I just would love to learn it in guitar, but I guess too difficult for such a basic guitarist like me.
Well, for you to listen to the song, here you have the link:

Enjoy it <3

viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

105 views! Thank you so much guys!!

Rock on!
Good morning!! I would like to ask you a favour: if you have an youtube account, could you please rate, comment and subscribe the videos of this girl: (Her channel). (Her cover of "Zombie"+"Just Tonight", both by The Pretty Reckless). (Her cover of "Hold on to Me" by Courtney Love).

Thanks :))

martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Hey again. So, this blog is my best friend's blog (my sweet duck kiwi <3), and although it is not about music, it's a brilliant blog, and it would be nice if you could that a look:
Thanks <3
Hey people... Well, although today I don't feel well, I thought about doing a small text about the song "Black", by Pearl Jam, maybe it helps me feeling better.
This song is completly about love, since it starts untill the last word. I think that during all the song, we can feel guilt, disappointment, desesperation, but an unconditional love.
 "Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn"- I think that when he says "the air I tasted and breathed" he can possibly refer to their romance, I mean, that "air" was that romantic atmosphere that surrounded them. But it "has taken a turn", it means, it all changed. Their romance was no longer what it was.  All the passion have been lost.
"Oh, and all I taught her was everything/Oh, I know she gave me all that she wore"- He gave her all his love, he trusted on her, he made her feel wanted, and she returned the favor, she trusted on her, for her, he was the most important person, that's why "she gave" him "all that she wore", she gave him her life. But in this verses I can feel a little of a guilt. Like he felt guilty because he couldn't be good enough for her.
"And now my bitter hands/chafe beneath the clouds/of what was everything"- And now he's alone, feels guilty of what he did, he've lost it all. In summary, he's all alone, because she left him.
" All the pictures have been washed in black/tattooed everything..."- All the memories turned black, I mean, all the momories were forgotten, and now it seems like their romance never existed.
A litlle bit after on the song...
"Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin/'round my head, I'm spining,/Oh, I'm spining/how quick the sun can/drop away..."- Now he is confused, a million of thoughts cross his mind, he's lost, he's alone. The guilt he feels because of not being good to the girl/women or whatever he loves is controling him. He's desesperate for forgiveness.
A litlle bit after...
"All the love gone bad/turned my world to black/tattoed all I see/All that I am/ All that I'll be"- I think he's talking about the fact that he always saw love as a good thing, and suddendly, when they broke up, love started being something bad. He was dissapointed because of love, a feeling that so many people talk as a good thing, turned his world upside down, turn all his life black. Completly changed his personality, the way he acts, and his life in general.
" I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be the sun in somebody else's sky, but why, why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine?"- Here, he says that he's sure that there is someone on Earth that deserves her, because she is amazing, and all he wanted, but he's conscious that he lost her, he feels guilty because of it, but he also can't understand why she will choose another man instaed of him.

For the ones that probably love this quote as much as I do <3.

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Hey! How are you? I hope good! Humm, today I'll do a little list of the best performers of Grunge scene, in my opinion, of course.

Best singer: Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)/ Eddie Vedder(Pearl Jam)

They are both so amazing that I can't choose <3

Best bassist: Jeff Ament (Pearl Jam)/ Krist Novoselic (Nirvana)/ Melissa Auf der Maur (ex-Hole)

Best drummer: Dave Grohl (Nirvana)

He is probably one of the best drummers I've ever heard.

Well, this is my list, I hope you can agree with me in some things :)

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

Hi guys :) well, today my post will not be about music. É dedicado a uma amiga minha e por isso está em português: Há pessoas que entram na tua vida, e tu não sabes bem porquê . Na maior parte das vezes, essas pessoas saem, deixando-nos fragilizados. Mas também há aquelas que entram, e ficam durante mais tempo do que tu esperas. E marcam-te mais do que tu esperas. E a essas pessoas, que te ouvem sempre, que se preocupam sempre, que estão sempre cá, e que te conseguiram mudar a ponto de voltares a acreditar que existe mais no mundo do que o mau, a essas pessoas eu chamo de melhores amigas. São raras, as verdadeiras. Eu tenho 2 melhores amigas, considerando que uma delas nunca a vi ao vivo. Mas este texto é apenas dirigido ao 2º elemento de que eu falei.  Ela foi, muito provavelmente, uma das que mais me marcou na minha vida inteira. Dotada de uma paciência infinita, duma compreensão inimaginavel, e dona de um coração gigantesco, mais do que qualquer um pode imaginar. Ela está sempre cá, mesmo quando não está. Ela ensinou-me que nem tudo está perdido. Ela foi a minha salvação, apareceu na fase mais crítica da minha vida. Ela ajudou-me a ver que nem sempre a melhor solução é acabar com tudo. Ela está cá quando preciso dela, e quando não preciso. Ela ajuda-me, mesmo que não peça ajuda. Ela conhece-me como poucas pessoas me conhecem. Ela sempre me soube ouvir, sem me julgar por nada (se julgou, eu não reparei). Foi das poucas pessoas que nunca se afastou de mim, por muita merda que eu tenha feito. Foi ela que me impediu de lixar muitas vezes a minha vida. E mesmo quando não conseguiu mudar a minha opinião, correndo mal, era graças a ela que a minha consciência pesava. É das únicas pessoas que podem ouvir o que realmente penso, sem que me olhem de lado. Mas muito mais do que essas inúmeras qualidades que ela tem que me dariam pano para mangas, ela sabe lidar com o facto de eu não ser o padrão da sociedade que, por muito que ela me tente dizer que não existe, eu sei que existe. E o facto é que eu não sei como lhe agradecer por tudo o que ela faz por mim. Não sei, e temo nunca vir a saber. E espero muito seriamente, nunca a perder, porque eu preciso dela. Obrigada <3

viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

And then, I also like Melvins, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden :-) I also like other post-grunge bands, like
RED, Bush and also Three Days Grace.

Hey!! So, today I'll just show you some pictures of my favourite Grunge bands :)

The one I loooove the most: Nirvana!!!!!!

On the second place: Hole!!

3rd place: Pearl Jam!                                              

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012


--> It can also be called Seattle Sound;
--> People think that the name was born because of Mark Arm (member of Green River, and after, Mudhoney), that in 1981, on Desesperate Times, used it as a synonym of dirty (grungy), in order to describe a dirty song (unclean sound, caused by the guitar's distortion);
--> It was born in Seattle, Washington DC, in the late 80's;
--> It is a subgender of Alternative Rock, Heavy Metal, Hardcore Punk and Indie Rock;
--> It met the height of popularity in the beginning of the 90s;
--> The recording company that promoted this style was Sub Pop;
--> After Grunge fell, Post-Grunge was born.

Sound caracteristics:

--> Instruments: Vocals, guitar, bass and drums (these are the basics);
--> Guitar: high distortion level, fuzz and feedback efects (screaming efect);
--> Very influenced by the Heavy Metal and Hard Rock sound;
--> Bands like Sonic Youth, Goo Goo Dolls, Pixies and Dinosaur J. are huge influences;
--> There are also some slower melodies (e.g.: Something in the Way by Nirvana);
--> "Slow verse, heavy chorus" (e.g.: Violet by Hole, or Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana);
--> Lyrical interest similar to Punk Rock;
--> Lyrical subjects: anguish, sarcasm, social alienation, apaty, freedom wish, contempt about the society, discomfort about the society.

Musician's look:

--> sloopy look.


--> The band Soundgarden was the first one signing with a big musical company, A&M Records;
--> In 1990, Nirvana signed with Geffen Records Company, and they made Nevermind, the most successful album of the group, and with the single Smells like Teen Spirit they surpass Michael Jackson;
--> In 1991, Pearl Jam edited Ten album, that was very successful the year after.


--> In 1994, with Kurt Cobain's death, Nirvana ended, and one of the most iconic Grunge bands ever fell;
--> Pearl Jam had problems with their tour;
--> Many Grunge bands separated.


--> Pearl Jam are still successful;
--> Hole, after changing their members, are still working on, having edited Nobody's Daughter album;
--> Nirvana, even after Cobain's death, are still successful;
--> Mudhoney and Alice in Chains still rock on.
Good morning for you all. Well, today I woke up, and suddenly this idea came to my mind. This week, I mean, from July 18th until July 25th, will be Grunge week. That means that during the whole week, I'll just publish Grunge songs, facts about Grunge groups, and also an ID of Grunge style. I hope you enjoy it!


lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Hi there! Today I'll post about Nirvana's song "Smells like Teen Spirit". I guess this will be easier because I already analized this song for my portuguese lesson oral evaluation.
This song is considered epical, one of the most glorius rock of all the times, and as a Nirvana fan, I really love this music, and also because it makes me remember about someone special.
"Smells like Teen Spirit" starts with a strong intro, and during all song, drumms, guitar and bass have a strong presence (I know, all the instruments they use, but you guys had to notice it).
During the whole song, those basic things about grunge moviment lyrical interests are evident, such as "It's fun to loose"- sarcastic- "Oh no, I know, a dirty word", where you can see kind of freedom wish, like, everyone can say whatever they want to. Then, at the chorus, we enter in a very powerful part. Drumms are high, guitar and Kurt's voice rock out, and the bass, just brilliant. I would risk myself to say that the sentence "Here we are now, entertain us" is the most epical of the whole chorus, and probably of the whole song. I mean, I guess it was just the mark of a generation. Just shows unhappiness, anger, and disagreement. Like they scream "Hey society, I'm here now, and as you don't let me be myself, at least tell me what the fuck I should be!". "A mulatto, an albino"- social issues.
Well, but now I don't know what's the most epical: "Here we are now, entertain us!" or "Oh well, whatever, never mind". I guess they both comanded a generation leaded by apathy and that didn't have hopes or dreams.
In summary, this is like a superficial text about the song, it would take days to do a perfect text about the song.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it!

domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Good night! So, my first post will be about the song "Solitude", by Evanescence. Humm, well, don't ask me why did I choose these one, because I don't know. I just turned on the computer and thought "My first post will be about "Solitude"".
Just for you to see the song, here you have the link: (also the lyrics)

At the beggining of the song, looking to the lyrics, it seems that it's another love song, but while you go forward, you can easily see that it's not all about love, although there's always a connection. Amy sings about solitude, about the fact people get so isolated. But starting from the beggining, she says "How many times have you told me you love her?", obviously talking about a love confession. "How long have I stood here, beside you? I live through you, you look trough me", here it refers to the fact that she's always next to him, supporting him, she needs him to live, and he simply ignores that fact. And then, the chorus: "Oh, solitude, still with me, is only you (...)", clearly talking about loneliness, I also think she refers to the solitude of loving someone, and not being corresponded, the fact that you feel ignored, alone, desplaced."Everyone leaves me stranted, forgotten, abandoned, left behind", I think that in these parts, she puts so much emotion... Just touches in the loneliness subject. And to finish, in that part where drumms come, I feel like she is "screaming" at him, telling him what she really feels...
I don't want to say much more, just that I think this songs works really well, because it's not only a love song, it has a huge quantity of other feelings. Just love it!!
Hey guys! Humm, well, first of all, I would like to present myself: I'm Beatriz, and I'm a portuguese teenager (and that's all you're gonna know xb). I love music, mostly Metal and Rock (I guess you can see it!!), and this blog will be exactly about that. I have some ideas for the blog, but I'm not sure about them all, so I'll just tell you the ones I will do, but first, I wanna say thanks to Marília, a friend of mine, that gave me the idea for the blog :)--. On this blog, I will publish songs, critics, and also news about bands/singers I like. I'll also publish a track list every beggining of the week. Well, I hope you like the blog!!
