domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Oh, and guys, I would like to ask you something:
It's tomorrow. Could you please do it? It would mean a world to me! Thanks <3
Btw, I wanna thank to all the viewers, I've seen that the blog is growing :)) Thank you so much!!!
Good night. Please don't kill me...! I know I promised to talk about guitars, but for personal reasons (such as a birthday party, family problems and thones of homework) I couldn't come online. I'm really really sorry... During the whole week I'm gonna try to post something about it. I'm really sorry!!

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Well guys, I guess for today it's all I have... Tomorrow I think I won't have the chance to publish, because my maths teacher decided to send us two pages of exercises, and I'm very slow so it takes a lot of time doing it, and I also have to practice a thing, so I won't have much time. But I promise you on friday I'll speak about my love... Guitars!!!! I'll do my best, and althought I read a lot about guitars, and all that stuff, it's sorta difficult subject, so I just hope I don't say anything senseless. Until friday, if you need to talk to me, contact me by email-, which is also available if you need to talk about self-harm, etc, as I said in a late post-, I check it every single day. See you!!

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Look Around [Official Music Video]

Don't ask me why, but this song just makes me wanna jump and dance... lol I don't know why, but I guess RHCP have that "happiness" efect on me, most of their songs make me want to dance, but most of their songs make me cry too. So dumb, I know. In oposition of this song, "Don't forget me" has much meaning for me, and I guess no one knows why (lool), and I can't avoid feeling sad when I listen to it. "Tearjeker" makes me cry endlessly. "Californication" makes me sort of depressed too, but not because of the lyrics, it remembers me on someone that I shouldn't remember of. But that's how life is. Oh, well, just enjoy the song and the videoclip, that it's really funny.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit *Piano*

Seriously, listen to this, and then tell me that it's not good. This is so peaceful, so beautiful, so melodic. Listen to this while it rains, or just go to rainy mood, and see how amazing it is. Just enjoy.
Two things that I'd love you to do:

- visit this blog,, it belongs to a girl, she does covers, I think she's really talented, it would be really cool if you could check out the blog, because there you also have the links of her videos. I recomend you to see it ;)

- on the october 1st, it would be really awsome if you could write "keep fighting" on your wrist, to support people who suffer self-harm, or if you do it, to know you're not alone, and this is a confession, I suffer from it, and if you do, just remember you're not alone, and if you need to talk, I'm here, I seriosly am. You can contact me via email (my email:, and later, I can give you my facebook. I know I ask you a lot to do these things, but think, it's important to show your support. Either suicide and self-harm are serious problems, that should be solved, and that sometimes starts with showing those people they are not alone. So I ask you, beg you, to do this. It would mean a world to me.
Hello :) I received an email asking me if I was punk or goth, or a scene girl, in what comes to clothing. The mail was sent from France, don't know the name, because the person didn't tell me. So, no, I'm not a scene girl, I don't wear like emo, punk, goth, etc. I wear like a totally normal girl. In some way, I would say that it's a simple girly, I wear all those girly colours, but no make-up, no accessories. I dress myself like that for many reasons, first because I hate, hate, HATE, hate fashion, in every single way. I just hate it. The other reason is because my mum doesn't allow me to dress like a scene girl, and also because in my city, it is too expensive. But I guess the main reason is because if I was a scene girl, people would look at me and judge me, and, honestly, I just prefer not to get attention.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Celebrity Skin - Glee [HD Full Studio]

Good night :) Well, I heard in tumblr that Glee covered "Celebrity Skin" song, by Hole, and I am a big fan of them, so I listened to it (you can hear it on the video). Tbh, I hate it... I'm sorry for the ones who disagree, but I don't like it at all.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Blood Sugar Sex Magik (Full Album)

Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by Red Hot Chili Peppers, another very good album, that you should listen if you enjoy funk rock. Enjoy it ;)

Nirvana - Nevermind (1991) - Full Album

In this video, the full Nevermind album is available, it's a very good album, although it's not my favourite by Nirvana. I recomend for the ones who don't know the album to listen to it. I hope you enjoy <3
Hey guys, I wanted to ask you something. I wanna change the blog's design, and I'm looking for a picture to use. If you guys have one, it would be really cool if you could send it to my email, because I have no fn' clue of what picture I should use. Thank you so much!! My email is
Happy Nevermind and Blood Sugar Sex Magik aniversary!!!!!!!! 21th aniversary of these two amazing albuns, the first one by Nirvana and the second one by Red Hot Chili Peppers. :)

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

A new about Evanescence: Amy Lee said, on an interview, that she didn't know what would happen after the end of this tour, and she said that they wouldn't do an album. I seriously don't know... Para quem fala português, o site donde li a notícia:

Misfits Die, Die My Darling


The Misfits - Last Caress

the ramones poison heart

The Ramones-Baby I Love You

Seriously, who doesn't like The Ramones? I love them *.*
So, when I don't know what to publish, what do I do? Lists! And this time this list is about Punk Rock, the best Punk Rock groups!! (not a personal list, I found it on the internet)

10- The Misfits
9- The Offspring
8- Pennywise
7- Billy Idol
6- Dead Kennedys
5- Toy Dolls
4- The Adicts
3- Sex Pistols
2- The Clash
1- The Ramones

Well, that's it, up next I'll publish some punk rock songs :)
To be honest, I don't know what to publish XD Suggestions accepted!! mail:

Hello, hello, hello!! Weekend finally! I feel so fn' happy to know that tomorrow is Saturday! Well, I still can't move very well my wrist, and it hurts as fuck because I was stubborn and played guitar today, and now my wrist is hurting as hell. But never mind. I'll publish some things on the blog, so you guys don't get bored and loose the interest in this blog.

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

And hello again. Today I got hurt, in my right wrist, and I literally can't move my right hand, so it's kinda hard  to write. I'm really sad because today I had nothing to do for school, and I wanted to play guitar, but I can't because of my wrist :(( And another story: on Monday, I had technic lesson, and I told my teacher that my favourite group is Nirvana, and he was really surprised, and guess what, he also liked Nirvana! Yey!!! <3 <3 <3
Good night to all. Yesterday, I published some covers, and I said it was covered by Pop singers, and some weren't. I'm really sorry.

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

And we're done. I know, I just wanna cut my wrists, some are really bad. See you :*

Smells Like Teen Spirit - Miley Cyrus (05.13.2011 - Rio de Janeiro)

This cover, my fn' God, is the worst thing I ever heard in this life. I just want to kill her, and that's being nice -.- This was really really bad. I hate this dude. -.-

Shakira- Back in Black- (Live)

Once again, "Back in Black"  by AC/DC, covered by Shakira.

Shakira - Dude (looks like a lady)

This time Shakira covers "Dude (looks like a lady)", by Aerosmith.

Nothing Else Matters/Despedida Medley (Live from Paris)

Nothing else Matters, originally by Metallica, covered by Shakira. It is just the first part of the song, the other part is another song. This cover was very critized, a lot really, but I personally don't hate it. I think the changes she did were the right ones. And I know that haters gonna hate me for this xD

Evanescence - Heart Shaped Box

Heart Shaped Box, covered by Evanescence. I personally like a lot this one.

Lana Del Rey - Heart-Shaped Box - (Live Front Row) Sydney Australia

Lana del Rey's cover, Heart Shaped Box (Nirvana).

Patti Smith - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Another cover of Smells like Teen Spirit, this time by Patti Smith. Hope you enjoy.

Tori Amos - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Tori Amos' Smells like Teen Spirit cover.
Hello :)) Today I had an idea, during my math class (I know...), and I thought about publishing some covers of metal/rock songs, made by pop stars.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Do you remember Lana del Rey cover of Heart-Shaped Box, by Nirvana ( ? Well, I read today that it will be part of the re-edition of "Born to Die" album.
Hello! I'm sorry I didn't post anything, my week was not easy at all, and my weekend bad as well.
I received an email, and I can't say more because I was asked to keep it private. That email asked me to present myself a little bit better. I'll present myself, I see no problem in it, but I'm sorry, I won't publish pictures of myself. I don't do it because honestly I think it's kinda dangerous, and I'm really ugly, so you don't loose anything ;)
So, my name is Beatriz, I said that many times before. I leave in Braga, Portugal. I'm single, single, single, and really happy single, thank you. Humm... In my free time, I loove to play guitar, write, listen to music, read, watch soccer. My favourite soccer team is SLBenfica, and my favourite player is Oscar Cardozo. I read a lot, some books are not for my age, but my parents don't mind... My favourite book was The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, a really awsome book. I also liked to read The Godfather, by Mario Puzo. I also like a lot books by Mia Couto and Gabriel García Marquez, and I'm reading Love in times of cholera (I think that's the name in english). About music, you can clearly see that I love rock and metal, Grunge is my favourite over all the rest, and Nirvana is totally my favourite group <3 <3 I also like a lot Metallica, Iron Maiden, Hole, RCHP, Pearl Jam, AC/DC, Scorpions, Evanescence, Epica, Middnatsol, Megadeth, Slayer, Black Sabbath, The Agonist, etc etc etc... At the moment, I'm totally addicted to the song "Unreachable" by John Frusciante and "When you came into my life" by Scorpions. My favourite movies... I liked a lot "Los Diaros de Che Guevara" and "The last exorcism", but the best the best "Halloween": Horror, yeah, I love it, and the most amazing is that I laugh a lot while I watch it, I know dumb. About "Saw 2", I saw it, and seriously, I didn't like much, I found it a little disgusting, specially the part that girl fells into the needles' hole. Other things that I like: Egyptian history, guitars, guitar picks, spirit's things, learning new languages (btw, I speak portuguese, english, spanish, a little bit of arabic, french and guarani), and I don't remember anything else. The kind of guys I like: tall, clumsy, that knows what music is, plays an instrument, and that is smart, or at least that knows a lot about many subjects. And finally, how I am phisically: 1.62m, kinda fat, ugly, brown short hair, brown eyes (and they are really ugly), did I say ugly and fat? And, yeah, that's basically it.
Well, if you want to send me an email, for any reason, Thank you :)

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Hello!! Today, september 13th, we celebrate a very important birthday. I'm pretty sure that you metalheads know who Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) is. Happy birthday Dave Mustaine!!!

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

And with you I leave Soundgarden, I hope you enjoy it :)

Scorpions - When you came into my life (with lyrics)

Good night everyone! I'm sure you missed me ahah ;) I missed you, and I don't have much time to publish, so I'll just leave here two songs, and I'm done. The first one is "When you came into my life" by Scorpions, a band that I totally adore, and this song is really beautiful :)) I'm not sure if I published this yet, but ok.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Good night to you all. My first day at school was painful, but just forget about it. I hope you participeted in the Suicide Awareness Day, because I did, and I wrote "love" in some wrists, not just in mine ;) So here you have the promissed pictures:

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Hey people. This will be my last post before school starts :'(( Pray for me, please... And wish me luck too.
I just wanted to remember you that tomorrow, september 10th, is Suicide Awareness Day, and it would be really cool if you could participet, you just have to wear something yellow or/and also write "love" in your wrist/s. I'm gonna participet, and then I post a picture on the blog so you can see. Guys, it would be really cool if you could do that :))
Thank you and see you!!

Mortal love - All the beauty

As usual, I bring the gothic part of the Metal. And to be honest, Syphonic Metal and Gothic Metal are really beautiful. The vocals are not agressive at all, I know, but still beautiful. Idk why, but it sounds peaceful even when they are talking about sad things. "Mortal Love" are an excellent Gothic Metal group, I really recomend for the ones who like high vocals combined with the beautiful sound of the guitars and drumms. I hope you enjoy "All the Beauty" as much as I do.

Pearl Jam - Alive

"Alive" by Pearl Jam. I just challenge you to read the lyrics and try to figure out what he says. While it, just enjoy Eddie's vocals and this amazing instrumental. Really great song <3

Hole - Violet

"Violet" is for sure, one of my favourite songs ever. I mean, this lady can really scream, she knows how to show her feelings. And that is one of the things I admire the most on Courtney Love. She's just powerfull, she deserves some respect and apreciation for her jobs. She's good. "Violet" is that song I listen to when I'm really really angry. I sometimes play it in the guitar, but it still doesn't sound perfect, and yeah, I never tried to sing it.

Evanescence - My Heart Is Broken

So, this is "My heart is Broken" by Evanescence. I personally like Evanescence a lot, specially Amy Lee, she's truely talented. And this song is just amazing in my opinion. I just love it <3
Well, I'm nervous as fuck, I already did everything and I'm still not calm, and I don't know what the fuck I should do. So I'll just publish some songs and tell you my opinion.
Good afternoon to you all, here I am, in my last day of vacations :'(( I wanna cry so bad... But never mind.

Day 10- Your favourite picture of Anthony:

I'm gonna admit that for me this is probably the most difficult, so I chose one picture of him when he was young and with his daughter Everly.

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

And, well, I have bad news, and good news.

The good one:

I guess it is just good for me, but happiness must be shared ;) Some months ago, I tried to learn "Nothing else Matters" by Metallica, and yeah, I suck as a guitarrist, so it was a total nightmare for me, because I just did the inicial part, like 5 seconds of the intro... I'm really bad, believe me. But today, I remembered to play it again, and guess what, now I know a little bit more, although I haven't worked a lot yet in it. But I'm still proud of myself!!!

The bad one:

As I said before, on monday school will start -.- and I'm in a very important grade now, I have national exams, so I have to work fn' hard, and that means that I'll have less time to come online and less ideas to publish. But I won't forget about you, don't worry :) I just want to warn you, and ask you if you could help me, sending me by email suggestions of things you'd like to see here, I'll do it!! Once again, my email is, and feel free to ask whatever you want, I said this a million times, so I hope you believe ahah.

Thank you!! (And, btw, wish me luck
and pray that I can survive school -.- I 
need your support!!)
Hello hello!!

Day 9- Your favourite picture of Flea....

Uh, ok... Flea is extremly funny, so... I guess I'll have loads of pictures to choose between xD



Oh, and before I forget, all the pictures I used (Chad's, Josh's and Flea's) are taken from RHCP Official Facebook page.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Good afternoon rockers, punk rockers, grungers, metalheads, etc!!

For my 50 days Challenge:

Day 8- Your favourite picture of Josh:

I have to admit that I like Josh, but I don't love him as much as I love Frusciante. However, I'll post two pictures of him that I find nice:

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

My Jimi Hendrix cd ;) My dad just gave it to me today <3 <3
Btw, I totally forgot: Happy birthday Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)!!
After this post, I'll do a break, and do something else, so you don't get tired of me.
This list is about my 10 favourite groups:

1- Nirvana (really?! this one was difficult ;) )
2- Hole
3- Red Hot Chili Peppers
4- Pearl Jam
5- The Agonist
6- Evanescence
7- Venom
8- Iron Maiden
9- Metallica
10- Midnattsol
And another list, this time the best vocalists ever, according to Rolling Stone magazine:

1- Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
2- Freddie Mercury (Queen)
3- Bono (U2)
4- Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones)
5- Jim Morrison (The Doors)
6- Roger Daltrey (The Who)
7- Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
8- John Lennon
9- Chris Cornell (Soundgarden)
10- Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Hey, and I'm back (I told you that I'll be publishing all day long, almost). And I'm back with a list: the 10 best vocalists of Grunge, according to Blitz magazine:

1st- Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
2nd- Layne Staley (Alice in Chains)
3rd- Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
4th- Chris Cornell (Soundgarden)
5th- Andrew Wood (Mother Love Bone)
6th- Scott Weilland (Stone Temple Pistols)
7th- Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees)
8th- Donita Sparks (L7)
9th- Mark Arm (Mudhoney)
10th- Tad Doyle (Tad)

Well, about the list, I have to say that I don't agree with some, but in general it's well done :)
It would be really nice if you guys could do this. I will, and it would be really good if more people could join to this.

The Agonist - Swan Lake HD 1080p

This one is beautiful <3
Some pictures of The Agonist:

THE AGONIST - Business Suits and Combat Boots (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


"Thank you, Pain", an amazing and my favourite song by The Agonist. Really awsome <3
As I said yesterday, today I'll talk about one of my favourite bands, The Agonist.
The Agonist are a canadian metalcore and symphonic death metal band, created in Montreal, Canada, in 2004. On the vocals, they have Alissa White-Glutz, on the guitar Danny Marino and Pascal "Paco" Jobin, as bass player Chris Kells and playing drumms Simon McKay.
In the begginin, The Agonist were called The Tempest, but for juridic issues, Century Media Records asked them to change the name. The first album went out at August 14th 2007. At that time, the members of the band were Alissa, Danny and Chris. Because of the album, they felt that they needed a drummer, and that time they asked Simon to be part of the band.
After the first album went out, bands like Epica and Sonata Arctica asked The Agonist to play with them in many tours.
After that, in 2009, "Lullabies for the Dormant Mind" was done, and they were successful because of the single "Thank you, pain".
This year, "Prisioners" album went out, and it was well talked by the media.
The Agonist are well-known moslty because of Alissa's capacity of doing clean and gutural vocals. Their lyrics talk about the animals rights, society's problems and also our nowadays world.
Good morning to you all... Well, today I'll guess I'll post lots of things, because I'm damn angry today, and posting actually makes me calm down. I'm angry because of school, and yeah, part of it, because yesterday I cut my hair and it looks so fn' short that I can't actually believe that my hair is way shorter than some guy's hair. Never mind.
So, to start, my 50 days challenge, and today:

Day 7- Your favourite picture of Chad.

Oh, I hate having to choose it... I'll post some that I like, and for the ones who don't have a fn' clue who'se Chad, he is the drummer.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

On monday, I have to school again, yey!! (not really, I'm thinking about start taking prozac so I can deal with the fact that I have to have all those stupid people around me). And of course I had to find a way to make my school material more mine, more "Beatriz Vilela", you know? So, and thank you to my bro, I can look be in the classroom and have my biggest love with me. But let me show you some pictures: the first one is my portfolio, with a Metallica's picture, taken from my magazine (poor magazine:'(  ), and the second one is my notebook, I don't really know how you say it in english, with 1 picture of Nirvana, 3 of Kurt Cobain, and 1 of Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam). I'm still thinking what I'll put outside of it.... Now the pictures:
I feel like a proud mummy *.* I just saw The Agonist, a band that I love, and I'll talk about tomorrow, in my favourite magazine!!!!

Epica - Cry For The Moon [with lyrics]

"Cry for the Moon" with lyrics, by the amazing Epica :)
Hello, hello!! And I'm back with my lyrical analizes... I know I don't do this often, because it takes much time and I need to feel inspired to do it. Once again, this is my personal opinion, it means that you can find different opinions, or even the artist's opinion can be different from mine.
For today, I've choosen a beautiful song, "Cry for the Moon", by a beautiful symphonic group, Epica! This song was a real challenge for me, because it is so beautiful and deep in every single way. I tried to resume it as much as I could, so you don't get bored because of so many words.
Mainly, this song speaks about the Christian Religion. During the whole song, you can easily notice that the lyrics kinda go against the religion, I mean, it points religion's mistakes.
It says that so many times religion tells us to do something and follow certain rules, and they sometimes do the exact opposite. It is useless to tell people to do one thing, and then do the other, because it takes us away credibility. Or it says that we commit sins, that they also do, and don't judge themselves for that. Just the people around, it talks about the fact that it is easy to judge without looking inside ourselves and trying to understand if we do the same too.
Basically, I think this song warns people that religion also fails, and we have to follow our "common sense" so we can know what's wrong and what's right, we have to have our own ideas, and some of them can match religious aspects, but we have to separate the good from the bad. Because having too much innocence in what comes to religion is not good.
Altought in the beggining it may sound that "Cry for the Moon" is a song against religion, in my opinion, it is a critic. It just wants to show people what's wrong in religion, and should change.
Day 6- Your least favourite music video:

I don't know, I like them all...
Good afternoon :)) Today, September 5th, we celebrate Freddie Mercury's birthday, so Happy Birthday :))

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

I've just changed the background of the blog. I think it looks nice like this, but if you disagree, after posting this, I'll do a poll about it, and you can say that you didn't like ;) If you have any pictures that you would like to see as the background, you can send it to my email You can also send other things as well, like videos, or suggestions, or whatever you want. Feel free to email me when you want :))
Hello beautiful people from all over the world! Tomorrow I'll probably have no time to publish my 5th day post about RCHP, so I'll do it today.

Day 5 (tomorrow)- Your favourite music video?

Humm... I loove the music video of "Dani California", I think it is so so funny and it really includes great artists! I also like "Look Around", I find so funny the fact that in that video the adults, that should behave well, are jumping around, and dancing, half-naked, playing drumms on the toilet, and all those stupid stuff, and Everly Bear (Anthony's kid) is seated in the sofa, really quiet, looking at her dad dancing, ahah xb
"Otherside" music video is also really really good.

Pearl Jam MTV Unplugged-1992 Acustico completo

 One of the best unplugged ever. Eddie Vedder was just... AMAZING!!! And the rest of the group as well. So people, here you have more Grunge!!
Thinking on Death Metal lovers (like me), I'm gonna do this small post about Cannabis Corpse.

Cannabis Corpse is a marijuana-themed death metal band. Cannabis Corpse formed in Richmond, Virginia, USA, in 2006 under the Forcefield label. Since then, Cannabis Corpse has released 3 LP's and 1 EP. The band features members of Municipal Waste and Antietam 1862. Their name originates from a parody of the name of a vetean death metal Cannibal Corpse. While the Cannabis Corpse songs are fully original, their album and their song titles are parodies of many other death metal bands' album and song titles. The band has Philip "Landphil" Hall in vocals, bass and guitar, Josh "HallHammer" Hall as a drummer and Brent "Robert e Legion" Purgason on the lead guitar.

Their official website:

Cannabis Corpse - Vaporized

For Death Metal lovers, Cannabis Corpse!!
(About the 50 days challenge):

Day 4- Least favourite song

This one is a really difficult one... I like all their songs, although some of them, like "Can't Stop" and "Californication", make me remember about some bad things, but I still don't dislike them. At the moment, I don't really remember any song of them that I can't listen.

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Hey people! Sorry but I couldn't be online yesterday, so I couldn't do that 50 days challenge... Today, I'll post about yesterday, and today:

yesterday (day 2): How/when did you become a fan of them?

Well, to be honest, I don't remember when was the first time I heard RHCP... Because I'm almost sure that I heard them on the radio many times before I become a fan. But I really got into that probably in March 2012, because of a stupid band my school decided to create. I had to learn "Can't Stop" in two days (and I didn't) and I kinda liked the style, and now I'm addicted xb

Today (day 3): Favourite song

Oh yeah, it's a hard question... Probably "Don't Forget me" and "Otherside", although I also love "Venice Queen" and "Road Trippin'".